Hi everyone,

Sourcefire is considering developing training courses and a 
certification program for ClamAV. The intent is to develop a program 
similar to the online Snort training and certification program 
http://www.vcampus.com/online/sourcefire/courses.htm, and your feedback 
is critical in defining a new program specifically for ClamAV.

To determine if an online training course and/or certification program 
is needed and what content it should cover, we’d like to hear your 
opinion. Please provide your opinions on the three questions below.

• Would you attend an online ClamAV training course?
• If yes, what would you like to see covered in the course?
• Are you interested in achieving ClamAV certification?

If an online educational offering and/or certified exam are of interest 
to you, please send your reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your 
responses will be sent directly to the courseware development team.

In addition to the purposed educational offering, Sourcefire also offers 
Certified ClamAV Support. With certified support, you get the best of 
both worlds. Users benefit from the rapid pace innovation, cost savings 
and transparency of open source ClamAV and get the 24x7, high-quality 
help desk support of a commercial software company. Subscribers to 
Certified ClamAv Support receive:

• 24x7 telephone support
• E-mail support
• Certified binaries for popular operating systems
• And unlimited incident reports

For more information specifically on Certified ClamAV Support visit 

Best Regards,


Mike Guiterman
Snort Community Manager
Sourcefire, Inc.

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