i'm still on tiger (10.4.11) and using the server edition.

am definitely waiting at least until 10.5.2 before doing the switch.


Am 27.01.2008 um 15:17 schrieb Matthias Schmidt:

> Hello,
> you guys are all top posting ... so I do as well.
> my box is a G4 dual - a bit old, but a good working horse ;-)
> gcc 4.2.2 doesn't compile on MacPPC (throws an error 1 and 2)
> I've found some information on the net that 4.2.3 does compile  
> (it's RC
> and currently building)
> But maybe I should just try to use the option  $ CFLAGS="-O0" ./
> configure as suggested.
> I guess I can just install the current clamAV 0.92 over the version,
> which was shipped with Leopard?
> I still didn't configure anything.
> thanks and all the best
> Matthias
> Am/On Sun, 27 Jan 2008 14:55:20 +0100 schrieb/wrote Oliver Schwarz:
>> i can confirm, that matthias additional flag let's gcc on apple
>> platforms compile clamav. as it seems, this flag is just necessary on
>> intel based macs. like with older versions of clamd (not clamscan)
>> i've one bug bugging me: from time to time (usually every 1,5-3 days
>> on my mail server hosting several domains) clamd crashs while
>> scanning the attachements, but staying alive and using all available
>> cpu time. a simple kill -9 brings all back. but how annoying...
>> as it seems, this bug also just occurs on intel based macs.
>> oliver
>> Am 27.01.2008 um 16:34 schrieb Derick Centeno:
>>> An option which works on Linux and may work within the Terminal is
>>> to order or
>>> command the gcc compiler to NOT use compiler optimizations.
>>> Try this:
>>> $ CFLAGS="-O0" ./configure
>>> On Sun, 27 Jan 2008 19:27:38 +0900
>>> "Matthias Schmidt" wrote:
>>>> Am/On Tue, 18 Dec 2007 05:14:40 +0000 schrieb/wrote Robert:
>>>>> On 17 Dec 2007, at 19:15, fchan wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I have the same thing happening a my MacBookPro. I get this  
>>>>>> message
>>>>>> also:
>>>>>> checking for gcc bug PR28045... configure: error: your  
>>>>>> compiler has
>>>>>> gcc PR28045 bug, use a different compiler, see
>>>>>> http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=28045
>>>>>> I'm using xcode_2.4.1_8m and I'm downloading xcode_3.0 to  
>>>>>> hopefully
>>>>>> resolve this issue and hopefully that Apple updated gcc on this
>>>>>> newer
>>>>>> xcode. Any other Mac people seen this issue?
>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>> Frank
>>>>> Just got the same error running os x 10.4.11 (ppc).
>>>>> Haven't tried under 10.5 yet...
>>>>> Re-installed clam 0.91.2 and all is well again.
>>>> I have the last version of XCode installed under Leopard.
>>>> Just wanted to install on a 10.5.1 Server 0.92 and get the same  
>>>> error
>>>> after running configure.
>>>> Do I need to install gcc 4.2.2?
>>>> Can that just be downloaded and installed?
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