That still seems a bit "over-the-top". Sure, better safe than sorry, but
I wouldn't just blindly delete any exe that I come into contact with
(via email or otherwise). Especially on Linux, you can get archives
zipped into an exe format that are unzipped via unzip -a. That is quite
a common format in the Windows world, and I haven seen a few times
within the Linux world also. Magic numbers can't tell it is an archive,
so you would think it is just a regular binary, but I know for a fact
Dell does many of their drivers in this format.

With the whole Intel thing, even through emulation, this could be a
stretched argument. Sure, there are architecture-independent viruses,
but I haven't heard of a virus that can attack on any platform through
the architecture itself. I am sure that in the future, these will be
common, but I don't think this is something that we should be worrying
about now. Please correct me if I am wrong in saying this as I am not
pretending to know everything about the virus infections, this is just
from experience.

On Sun, 2008-01-20 at 19:51 -0500, Derick Centeno wrote:
> The point raised by Dennis is extremely relevant to this thread.  The
> exception of course is Linux which runs on the PowerPC or Cell
> architecture.  Only in that environment would Linux executables have no
> effect as the infecting executables are designed for Linux and Windows
> running on Intel compatibles and utilize specific functions, register
> processing and calls to the Intel and compatible processor.
> Keeping in mind that there are emulators of all kinds, including even a
> Linux emulator which functions within Windows, all of them share one
> characteristic, they either run on Intel or emulate Intel. All of these are
> susceptible to these infections and other malware.
> This is a pretty monstrous headache for the current computer system
> marketplace which seems to function nearly entirely by relying on one
> processor.  I can hear the overwhelming sigh from many experts repeating to
> themselves regarding this predicament, "I told them... long ago".  To which
> the only response now is, "Oh well..."
> The solution which Bill Maidment recommended earlier in this thread may be
> the only reasonable approach for users of Intel systems to implement.  If I
> was using an Intel system I'd have to agree with him, better safe "than
> scorched."
> All the best...
> On Jan 20, 2008 6:46 PM, Sarocet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dennis Peterson wrote:
> > > Nobody has actually tested the files to see if they are Windows
> > executables that I've
> > > seen. It is entirely possible they could be Linux executables. File
> > extensions don't
> > > mean much on a Linux system but it seems from this thread a great way to
> > pass around
> > > Linux viruses is to tack on a .exe extension and a lot of people will
> > ignore them to
> > > their great peril.
> > >
> > > dp
> > Well, if you ignore the file i don't see how it's going to run.
> > Moreover, it's less likely you will write ./Foo.exe as
> > you're already assuming by the extension that it wouldn't work, so why
> > do it?
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