On Monday 31 December 2007 8:07 am, Sarocet wrote:
> Chris wrote:
> > Saw this link at SANS today, anything to it?
> >
> > http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2007/Dec/0625.html
> >
> > Or is this a rehash of something already known about
> I'm not a clam developer, but here's my view about them:
> It lists three "vulnerabilities"
> 1- cli_gentempfd is  vulnerable to a race condition attack.
> It's a bug. O_EXCL needs to be added to libclamav/others.c line 847. Not
> fixed yet on  trunk.
> Attacker needs a local account.
> I'm attaching a patch for it, so you can patch and rebuild your version.
> 2- ClamAV fails to properly check for base64-UUEncoded files, allowing
> bypassing of the scanner through the use of such files.
> Not really a bug. Having ClamAV check those files would be an *enhacement*.
> 3- Sigtool utility overwrites files when utf16-decoding.
> I'm not sure that it's a vulnerability. It's run by the user, which
> could be willing to overwrite it.
> Adding an "overwriting file" warning would be a good idea, but denying
> to write an existing file
> could break some scripts (and if you were to add an overwrite flag the
> "danger" is exactly the same as now).
> Only dangerous if you have sigtool suid.

Thanks, I'm not running a server here, just use ClamAV here on my home desktop 
in with Spamassassin, basically as a tool to catch and report spam and 
virus's to the offending ISP's, etc..


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