On Wed, Sep 19, 2007 at 07:44:08PM +0300, Török Edvin wrote:
> See bug #551 about that.

Ew. The discussion there only makes me want to make the disabled
heuristic setting permanent.
On Wed, Sep 19, 2007 at 12:11:10PM -0500, Noel Jones wrote:
> I think it would be insane to reject or discard mail based on 
> "PhishingScanURLs yes" on anything bigger than a home/hobby server 
> because of the high false positive rate.

I have to agree. Unfortunately, most mail gateway software interfacing
to virus scanners doesn't make this distinction. If the scanner
thinks it's a virus, it's rejected, otherwise it is passed.
That's how virus scanners used to work, anyway.

> A significant percentage (I'm guessing 10% or more) of the 
> "Phishing.Heuristics.*" detections here are false, which I then 
> release from quarantine and submit to the signature team as a false 
> positive.  This is in contrast to the rest of the clamav detections 
> which have a FP rate approaching zero percent.

Yes, I'm satisfied with the rest of the scanning. Even if I ignore
all detected phishing mail, clamav still detects more viruses than
our commercial scanners.

However, we use our virus scanners as a reason for rejecting or
even discarding the email - which we feel confident to do because
of the very low false positive ratio of the scanners. If that's not
the case, I cannot use it. Fortunately, we can change the scanner
so it doesn't use detection methods which cause a high FP rate.

> It's probably important to note that these aren't strictly "false 
> positives" as the messages invariably contain some sort of funky URL 
> redirect that triggers the detection.

That is a very liberal interpretation of the meaning of "not a false
positive". I would seriously suggest anyone with an urge to educate all
senders of broken, dangerous, silly or dumb email to go and write the
appropriate SpamAssassin plugin, and launch a campaign to reach the
ignorant masses that produce such atrocities. Good luck. Really. May I
suggest Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DonQuixote ?

But please, in any case, stay away from virus scanning, because it
has nothing to do with that.

Jan-Pieter Cornet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
!! Disclamer: The addressee of this email is not the intended recipient. !!
!! This is only a test of the echelon and data retention systems. Please !!
!! archive this message indefinitely to allow verification of the logs.  !!
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