Hi All,

We have found a fairly reliable way to reproduce this bug.

1. Edit the clamd.conf so that SelfCheck is set to 30 (seconds).
2. Restart clamd
3. Wait for the databases to load plus an additional 30 seconds (a
minute is plenty)
4. Scan a file with clamdscan
5. Look in the log file for something like:
Tue Aug 14 15:08:40 2007 -> No stats for Database check - forcing reload
Tue Aug 14 15:08:40 2007 -> Reading databases from /var/share/clamav
Tue Aug 14 15:09:16 2007 -> Database correctly reloaded (304149 signatures)
6. If you don't see the "no stats" line, try scanning a file again.
7. Watch the memory usage go through the roof.

Looking at the code in clamd/server-th.c, the only reason for the "no
stats" line is if the dbstat pointer is NULL. It is almost as if when
clamd starts, first it makes the dbstat pointer but sets it to null,
then it loads the database but forgets to set the dbstat pointer. Then
when a scan is initiated and the selfcheck timer has expired, clamd
looks at the pointer, realizes it is NULL and decides to reload the
database without first freeing the memory from the database it loaded on
startup. This is just a guess...

It also seems that setting SelfCheck to 0 (disabled) makes the problem
go away. If freshclam is signaling clamd to reload the database when
there are new definitions, is SelfCheck still required?


Joshua Rubin                                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Software Development Engineer                          Tel: 303-444-1600
Engineering Department                                 Ext:         3238
eSoft, Inc.                                            Fax: 303-444-1640
295 Interlocken Blvd
Broomfield, CO 80021

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