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James Miller wrote:

>> doughairfield wrote:
>>> have version .90.1 of clamav on a CentOS 4.4 Dell server.
>>> The clamav init file is in /etc/init.d/ and set in 
>> chckconfig to start 
>>> up when the machine is brought up Unfortunately this is not 
>> happening.  
>>> I can see in /var/log/messages where it is starting clamd at bootup 
>>> but it then quits with no notification.  I noticed that there is a 
>>> clamd file that gets written to /tmp that is somehow 
>> keeping it from 
>>> restarting because when I delete said file clamd will restart.
>>> Any ideas how to fix this?
>> Perhaps you need to set option :
>> # Remove stale socket after unclean shutdown.
>> FixStaleSocket yes
>> And then investigate why clamd is not properly shutdown.
> For some reason I have I comment in clamd.conf that I intentioanlly left
> 'FixStaleSockey yes' commented out.  Is there a reason why I might have done
> that in the past but I SHOULD enable it now?  

Look at the original post, he is apparently deleting the stale socket (not
Sockey) by hand, so yes it would solve that problem.  I don't see any problem
with leaving the option.

> Clamd has been silently dying on me and I don't know why (If I had to guess
> the culpret is /etc/logrotate.d/clamd).  Which reminds me, I need to setup a
> nagios check to monitor for that dying.

If it happens always after logrotate then you didn't configure logrotate to
signal clamd properly.  Perhaps you are killing clamd (forgot the HUP signal).
- --
René Berber
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (Cygwin)


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