Eric Kruse schrieb:
>> Does clamd (0.91.1) have a memory leak of some sort?
>         > 
>         > After it's started, it takes just about 40-50 MB:
>         > 
>         > clamav   13602 48.0  8.4  47932 45128 ?        Ds   10:38
>         0:01
>         > clamd 
>         > -c /etc/clamd.conf
>         > 
>         > 
>         > After some time, the memory usage goes to about 100 MB,
>         machine
>         > begins 
>         > to swap more and more:
>         We had a similar problem, found that the temporary files from
>         scanning
>         partial mime messages were not being cleaned up. And were taking
>         up
>         large amounts of disk space
>         I wrote a one liner put in cron.daily to clean these files if
>         older than
>         1 day just to be safe.
>         Was surprised to see that deleting them also freed up memory
>         used by
>         clamd, so maybe they weren't deleted in first place because
>         clamd is
>         still holding onto them.
>         Hope this helps:
>         #!/bin/bash
>         find /var/spool/qmailscan/clamav-partial/* -mtime +1 -exec rm {}
>         ';'

# grep tmp /etc/clamd.conf
TemporaryDirectory /var/lib/clamav/tmp

# ls -l /var/lib/clamav/tmp
total 0

# lsof -n|grep clamd
clamd     19407  clamav  cwd       DIR        8,5    4096          2 /
clamd     19407  clamav  rtd       DIR        8,5    4096          2 /
clamd     19407  clamav  txt       REG        8,5   69528      33959 
clamd     19407  clamav  mem       REG        0,0                  0 
[heap] (stat: No such file or directory)
clamd     19407  clamav  mem       REG        8,5    9488     640154 
clamd     19407  clamav  mem       REG        8,5    5384     640100 
clamd     19407  clamav  mem       REG        8,5   26052     640182 
clamd     19407  clamav  mem       REG        8,5   46612     612138 
clamd     19407  clamav  mem       REG        8,5   38420     612133 
clamd     19407  clamav  mem       REG        8,5 1298800     612003 
clamd     19407  clamav  mem       REG        8,5  107818     612060 
clamd     19407  clamav  mem       REG        8,5   79620     612089 
clamd     19407  clamav  mem       REG        8,5  236900     642039 
clamd     19407  clamav  mem       REG        8,5   66336     638993 
clamd     19407  clamav  mem       REG        8,5   73576     611298 
clamd     19407  clamav  mem       REG        8,5  612980     639370 
clamd     19407  clamav  mem       REG        8,5  565185     612074 
clamd     19407  clamav    0u      CHR        1,3                871 
clamd     19407  clamav    1u      CHR        1,3                871 
clamd     19407  clamav    2u      CHR        1,3                871 
clamd     19407  clamav    3w      REG        8,5   67027      34477 
clamd     19407  clamav    4u     unix 0xd49c6380             105750 

Nope, it must be something else, no temporary files here.

Tomasz Chmielewski
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