----- "Chuck Swiger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You haven't mentioned what MTA you are using, which makes a big
> difference as 
> to when and what you can use to do rejects during the SMTP session
> rather than 
> accepting and then bouncing.
> However, note that ClamAV is a virus scanner, not a MIME analyzer: you
> should 
> be saving the virus-scanning for last because it is fairly expensive,
> and 
> perform MIME defanging or rejection of various content-types via
> cheaper tools 
> like MIMEdefang or amavisd-new, and only run ClamAV on the stuff you
> accept.

Hi Chuck,

The MTA is qmail with simscan sitting up front calling ClamAV and qmail-scanner 
on the backend calling more AV engines.  I don't have the regex pattern 
matching enabled in simscan since, aside from this issue, it is not needed and 
I imagine would be more expensive than having ClamAV block these 0.001% of 
emails which is why I'm investigating this avenue first.

I think it comes down to opinion but I feel that ClamAV should alert on files 
that it isn't properly able to scan.  For example, if I scan one of the message 

/test: OK

----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 142100
Engine version: 0.91.1
Scanned directories: 0
Scanned files: 1
Infected files: 0
Data scanned: 0.48 MB
Time: 3.857 sec (0 m 3 s)

fsav /test
F-Secure Anti-Virus for Linux Servers

Database version: 2007-08-01_06

[/test] /test: Suspected: Partial MIME message. [ArchiveScanner]

Scan ended at Wed Aug  1 14:57:56 2007
1 file scanned
1 file suspected

If ClamAV does not perform any MIME analysis, what does the "ScanMail yes" 
option do?

Thanks for the reply.

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