Hi , i am new with this soft , i have installed postfix+mailscanner+clamav  on 
debian "sarge" server.

I've installed ClamAV 0.91 from source, run freshclam and the virus database is 

As you can see:

serverna:~# clamscan -V
ClamAV 0.91/955/Thu Jun 23 18:08:42 2005
serverna:~# freshclam -V
ClamAV 0.91/955/Thu Jun 23 18:08:42 2005

The freshclam procces download ok the daily diff file 
But when i run clamscan just to test it on some test files:

serverna:~# clamscan
LibClamAV Warning: **************************************************
LibClamAV Warning: ***  The virus database is older than 7 days.  ***
LibClamAV Warning: ***        Please update it IMMEDIATELY!       ***
LibClamAV Warning: **************************************************

Why this message? 
How can i be sure that is working fine on the mails server?

Thank you in advance and sorry for my english.
Jose Julian Buda
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