On 7/3/07, Ronald Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've poked and prodded an rpm specfile to put all the directories and files
> where system-config-selinux says it expects them to be... and it mostly
> works without complaint.
> However, selinux is still complaining about clamd trying to read() and
> getattr() /proc/meminfo.  I don't see it directly in the clamav source, so
> I'm making an educated guess that some libc function is making the call.

Do you get this warning when you run the binary in
/usr/(local)/sbin/clamd, or when running clamd from your build
Running /usr/local/sbin/clamd with strace doesn't show references to
/proc/meminfo, but running the shell script from the build dir does
show /proc/meminfo being accessed.

> So, before I tell selinux not to complain about clamd reading /proc/meminfo,
> I thought I'd ask the list for their opinions on the subject.
> Oh, selinux also complains about freshclam talking to my squid proxy, but I
> think that's a real bug in the policy file.

#define talking
Does it also refer to packets being transmitted via your proxy?

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