I'm trying to have clamAV running with Fedora Core 7(test 4).
With FC6 everything went smoothly, but here I got some problems. First
I defined a log file in my home directory.
When I ran freshclam (console) as me, I got the following message :
]$ freshclam
ClamAV update process started at Thu May 10 23:12:28 2007
main.cvd is up to date (version: 43, sigs: 104500, f-level: 14,
builder: sven) WARNING: Removing corrupted incremental directory
daily.inc LibClamAV Error: Can't remove temporary directory daily.inc:
Permission denied ERROR: Can't remove incremental directory
LibClamAV Error: Database Directory: /var/lib/clamav not locked

I did some google and found that removing the files.cvd from
the /var/lib/clamav directory and running a freshclam should solve the
problem. Then I got the following message :
]$ freshclam
ClamAV update process started at Thu May 10 23:24:43 2007
ERROR: getfile: Can't create new
file ./clamav-244b25ea0c10efe8bc99c14d863de0ad in /var/lib/clamav Hint:
The database directory must be writable for UID 2000 or GID 2001 ERROR:
Can't download main.cvd from database.clamav.net LibClamAV Error:
Database Directory: /var/lib/clamav not locked

Well I ran it as root and got the following :
ERROR: Can't open /home/me/.freshclam.log in append mode (check
permissions!). ERROR: Problem with internal logger (UpdateLogFile
= /home/totoro/.freshclam.log).

I guess that append stands for writable, since I didn't find other
permission in my linux books. So I don't understand since I made
root and clamav members of the me group and the file with rwx for
any light would be appreciated.
I thought also that clamav dropped the privileges to user when run as

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