Looks to me like we have similar results on our Solaris 8 system with
clamav-milter and sendmail 8.13.8.  Within minutes of bringing clamav-milter
from 0.90.1 online, CPU usage and load average go through the roof, and
eventually clamav-milter dies.  I just turned off ScanArchive and brought
0.90.1 online, and it's been running smoothly for 15 minutes now with no
problems - that's the longest that 0.90.1 has remained up and running since
I first started mucking with it.

We have clamav-milter running on a separate system from sendmail, listing on
port 3312.  We handle mail at the rate of about 200K messages per day, with
a peak of about 300 messages per minute.  We've had no problems with this
config in the 0.87 and 0.88 series of clamav.

Pete Hanson

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