On Thu, Feb 15, 2007 at 12:49:17PM +0100, Peter Boosten wrote:
> Dear readers,
> I've used clamav for some time now, and I'm very hapy with it.Yesterday
> I tried to upgrade to 0.90, but after upgrading mimedefang starts
> complaining about "Problem running virus-scanner", so I downgraded to
> 0.88.7 again (and everthing start working again).
> My setup:
> Sendmail
> Mimedefang
> spamassassin
> clamav (I'm _not_ running clamd).
> Anyone any idea?

Yes, mimedefang is still using quite ancient commandline arguments
to clamscan:

clamscan --mbox --stdout --disable-summary --infected $FILE

If you remove (in the mimedefang.pl source) all options except
"--stdout", it should work.

Jan-Pieter Cornet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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