Out of curiosity, I happened to log in and run freshclam this morning.
On two v0.88.7 installs, I see this: 

~$ freshclam -v
Current working dir is /usr/local/share/clamav
Max retries == 3
ClamAV update process started at Tue Jan  2 14:17:48 2007
Querying current.cvd.clamav.net
TTL: 433
Software version from DNS: 0.88.7
main.cvd version from DNS: 42
Retrieving http://database.clamav.net/main.cvd
Downloading main.cvd [*]
Trying again in 5 secs...
ClamAV update process started at Tue Jan  2 14:17:53 2007
Querying current.cvd.clamav.net
TTL: 428
Software version from DNS: 0.88.7
main.cvd version from DNS: 42
Retrieving http://database.clamav.net/main.cvd
Downloading main.cvd [*]
Trying again in 5 secs...
ClamAV update process started at Tue Jan  2 14:17:58 2007
Querying current.cvd.clamav.net
TTL: 423
Software version from DNS: 0.88.7
main.cvd version from DNS: 42
Retrieving http://database.clamav.net/main.cvd
Downloading main.cvd [*]
Giving up on database.clamav.net...
ERROR: Update failed. Your network may be down or none of the mirrors
listed in freshclam.conf is working.
Freeing option list...done

The error code there is #59, "Mirrors are not fully synchronized (try
again later)."  Is there actually a problem with the mirrors?


John Madden
Sr. UNIX Systems Engineer
Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana

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