On Tue, Dec 19, 2006 at 11:12:54AM +0000, G.W. Haywood wrote:
> > I tried clamav 0.90rc2 and the scantime of clamav minimized to 30-50
> > seconds.
> Has anyone else observed such large improvements?

Well, I can only observe the fact that clamav is about 10 times slower
than our commercial scanners. These are the statistics for one day
begin december somewhere (that I happened to have handy right now) :

scanner     : avg   +- stddev (number of times called)

Virus:FPROTD: 0.078 +- 0.447 (7085536 samples)
Virus:SOPHIE: 0.059 +- 0.183 (7086708 samples)
Virus:CLAMD: 0.787 +- 3.210 (7086846 samples)

Compare this to, eg, spamassassin:

SpamAssassin: 1.891 +- 1.933 (3194175 samples)

And then consider that spamassassin usually only takes 25% cpu,
where clam takes nearly 100% cpu. Clamav currently eats more CPU
than spamassassin, so currently, adding tests to clamav that could also
be done by spamassassin is not to my benefit, CPU-wise...

I was hoping that this would change with 0.90, but I haven't tried
it on our production platforms yet.

Jan-Pieter Cornet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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