On Oct 16, 2006, at 4:50 PM, Stephen Gran wrote:
On Mon, Oct 16, 2006 at 03:22:15PM -0500, Phil Schilling said:
Version .88.5 on NetBSD Sparc64 dies a very quiet death about 30
minutes after starting. There is no entry in the log, or any log.
Is there anything that I can do to help track this down? I have
built these like previous versions with
--disable-cr and without-tcpwrappers
This is on 3 separate machines all experiencing the same issue. Any
help in troubleshooting steps would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Run it foregrounded with debugging turned on.
Thanks, ran for over 6 hours in debug mode without an issue. When I
ctrl-c'd the process it raced chewing up 98% of the CPU until it
brought the box down. No kill signal would stop it.
I have been having the dying and racing condition on Sparc64 boxes
since 88.2. The last stable version on NetBSD Sparc64 was .88. The
dying daemon appears to be associated with the reloads but I don't
have a clue as to how to track it down when it does not appear to do
the reloads in debug mode.
Any ideas on how to trap information for either of the above
conditions? Thanks again.