making the signature isnt the problem.  the problem is that clamav will only 
identify the signature if its on its own (such as the signature is a file all 
its own) it will not identify email with the signature information in it.

as an example i took a spam based email image and made a signature of just it.  
i would like clamav to identify any email with that image in it as a virus so 
that it is trashed instead of delivered.  the image in a file (encoded or 
decoded) will be identified based on the signature created but if its in an 
email the email is not identified as having an identifiable virus in it.


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On 10/5/2006 at 12:43 AM Christoph Cordes wrote:

>Carl Thompson wrote:
>> I have followed the documentation i've found and created custom database
>files that identify files that stand alone without a problem using sigtool
>--md5 <file> > /path/to/custom.db
>sigtool --md5 <file> > /path/to/custom.hdb
>Best regards,
> Christoph                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


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