> > Dennis Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > > I don't see where there is any ridicule. Are you suggesting Windows > > people are delicate little flowers than require a gentle touch? That > > seems a bit of an insult. > > Perhaps not totally relevant; however, I have been involved in education > in one way or another for over 40 years. Everybody is ignorant about > something, sometime, somewhere, somehow. Even a genius over looks the > obvious occasionally. > > I have come to the conclusion that it is better to assume the student > knows nothing and let him prove to me he does, than to take the attitude > that he/she already knows the subject. It saves me a lot of aggravation > and him (the student) embarrassment. > > All in all, I fail to see what peccadillo the poster made. Even the > simplest problem for some can appear to be pointillistic to others.
The old saw goes giving a man a fish feeds him for a day (big fish!) but teaching him to fish feeds him for life. Better yet is to encourage him to think about fishing smarter because then it becomes fun and still feeds him for life. He can earn more money, buy more boats, open a franchise, maybe a good seafood restaurant, own a villa in the south of France, sipping on fine wines and enjoying the good life. Or you can spoon feed him and let him live off your education and the learnings of others, forever doomed to be standing in a line somewhere waiting for a fish. dp .. The previous is not for the humor-impaired _______________________________________________ http://lurker.clamav.net/list/clamav-users.html