* On 28/08/06 14:47 +0800, ZhangFrank wrote:
| Hi All,
| Now here is a OS, which is based on FreeBSD.
| I am design a Security Manage Center (like the one in Windows XP).
| In this Desktop version FB OS, I installed ClamAV. Now I need get
| the ClamAV'information


| (such as the version

/usr/local/bin/clamd --version

| the running status,

What information do you want in the running status?

| the update status of the ClamAV)

Check the log file for freshclam for the update status.

| into the Secturity Center, show them to the client.
| I worked on ClamAV' source code for couples of days but still can
| not feagure it out. How and where can I get the data from ClamAV??

Just avail your source code for people to look at and they will
surely give you ideas.

If the code does not conform to the licence under which Clamav is
released, then you should not be using Clamav in the first place,
so you will have to stop asking your questions here ;)



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