Hopefully someone can nudge me in the right direction, I feel like I'm
grossly missing something here.
Platform: FreeBSD 6.1, Clamav 0.88.2, Sendmail 8.13.6
I do not have LogClean defined in my clamav config file. According to the
docs, the default is disabled. However, my logfile has scads of lines as
/u1/clamav/tmp/clamav-f7641294d0b85f9f/msg.nikROF: OK
/u1/clamav/tmp/clamav-f7641294d0b85f9f/msg.vG1SKW: OK
/u1/clamav/tmp/clamav-f7641294d0b85f9f/msg.uY6Eth: OK
/u1/clamav/tmp/clamav-f7641294d0b85f9f/msg.ltJrmi: OK
So I am guessing these lines are in fact referring to emails scanned as
'clean'. If so, why are they showing up? I do not see a way to "undefine
LogClean" if in fact it's getting set somewhere else.
Am I correct that these are log messages of clean scans? I get hundreds of
them and they appear to correspond to each incoming email. If that's what
they are, why am I getting them in the log file if I don't have LogClean
Any help or advice would be most appreciated!
Jay West