On Sun, Jun 04, 2006 at 02:10:16PM -0500, Chris said:
> It seems to read the freshclam.log correctly and posts the correct stats, 
> however, for some unknown reason it appears to not be reading the clamd.log 
> at all.  At least its not posting any virus statistics. Can anyone see what 
> the problem may be?
> Thanks for any and all help
> If you can't d/l the files I'll be glad to just send them direct.

You're regexes (at least in the version I downloaded) are multi-line.
This is almost always not what you meant to do.  Mush them all into one
long line, and if you need whitespace, use the \s matcher explicitly
instead of accidentally.  It matches for me once I do the above (and
take out the word 'stream' since I use SCAN rather than STREAM on this

Take care,
|  Stephen Gran                  | I am very fond of the company of        |
|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]             | ladies.  I like their beauty, I like    |
|  http://www.lobefin.net/~steve | their delicacy, I like their vivacity,  |
|                                | and I like their silence.   -- Samuel   |
|                                | Johnson                                 |

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