if [ ! -z "$MSG" ]; then
       echo "$MSG" | mail -s "$SUBJECT" -r "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" $MAILTO
the command mail on RHE or FC it do not suport "-r" option.
Its part of the script tries to send you a mail like its from
remove ´-r "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"´ and it should work. it works for my

Bis bald hans.

On 5/16/06, Robert Isaac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wrote a simple script to listen to the OnUpdateExecute,
> OnErrorExecute and the OnOutdatedExecute commands from freshclam.
> It has been working well for about a year now, so I think it is okay.
> Thank you developers for implementing 'OnOutdatedExecute', -I
> really don't have the time to watch for updates actively on
> each and every server around.
> See: http://software.nerdworks.org/freshclamwarn/freshclamwarn
> I have looked for a script like this in the contrib/
> directory at every new release but could never find any.
> Regards
> Joran Kvalvaag

Thanks for this. I get this error when running the tests:

 mail: invalid option -- r
 Usage: mail [-iInv] [-s subject] [-c cc-addr] [-b bcc-addr] to-addr ...
             [- sendmail-options ...]
        mail [-iInNv] -f [name]
        mail [-iInNv] [-u user]

 We have a ProLiant G3 DL360 with RHES-4 and Apache 2.0.52



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