----- Original Message ----- From: "Dennis Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi All,

Could anyone come up with some good wget/curl scripts, with wget, I
guess it's using the -N option to only download changes and only
download hourly (eg.  15:00, 16:00, 17:15, 18:15) etc.

Wget seems to have a miserable bug with the -N and -O options that causes
it to always download the selected file. This is not the case with curl.

wget -N -O phish.ndb http://[fqdn]/phish.ndb does not work as expected.
I verified this again this am.

I'd recommend rsync with unsorted plain text files and where you add new
records to the end of the previous file. This allows rsync to send only the
differences. Normally this is a matter of a few dozens of bytes.

I'd mirror it for you.

This has been scripted and working fine for me for about a month on three different servers:

wget --tries=5 -N http://www.sanesecurity.com/clamav/phish.ndb

GNU Wget 1.10.2

I would agree that gzipping the phish file would save bandwidth and speed up downloads.


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