roger martinez escreveu:
LibClamAV Error: fileblobAddData: Can't write 76 bytes to
temporary file textpart: No space left on device
LibClamAV Error: fileblobAddData: Can't write 76 bytes to
temporary file textpart: No space left on device
LibClamAV Error: fileblobAddData: Can't write 76 bytes to
temporary file textpart: No space left on device
LibClamAV Error: fileblobAddData: Can't write 76 bytes to
temporary file textpart: No space left on device
LibClamAV Error: fileblobAddData: Can't write 76 bytes to
temporary file textpart: No space left on device
LibClamAV Error: fileblobAddData: Can't write 76 bytes to
temporary file textpart: No space left on device
LibClamAV Error: fileblobAddData: Can't write 76 bytes to
temporary file textpart: No space left on device
LibClamAV Error: fileblobAddData: Can't write 76 bytes to
temporary file textpart: No space left on device
No Space left on device usually means 'out of space' !! There's no
magic or hidden message on that, there's no space for doing something
the process was supposed to do.
After a clamscan /tmp seems to fill a lot ; however it can
give an answer ,
command is clamscan -r --infected /home/roger/.mozilla
hard drive partitionning is :
Sys. de fich. 1K-blocs Occupé Disponible Capacité
Monté sur
/dev/hda8 964500 287920 627584 32% /
tmpfs 517496 0 517496 0% /dev/shm
/dev/hda1 7164956 2476116 4688840 35%
/dev/hda9 20192676 16708844 3073536 85% /usr
/dev/hda10 20192676 7731048 12051332 40% /usr/local
/dev/hda11 24636408 15032260 8853272 63% /home
/dev/hda13 1057812 797020 217740 79% /bak
/dev/hda5 69973 29388 36972 45% /boot
/dev/hda6 1478668 608664 809924 43% /var
/dev/hda7 280005 8255 257294 4% /tmp
is there a minimal size of /tmp to start clamav , in 0.88
source release there is not problem with the same command (
and same verification file )
Your /tmp is small, that's a fact. I dont know if clamav needs a
'minimal space of /tmp to start', but i think the answer is NO. The
minimal space needed depends on the files clamav will have to scan. I
would worry about compressed files, maybe clamav decompress and writes
on /tmp to scan the decompressed ones.
Please try changing TemporaryDirectory to something different from
/tmp in clamd.conf. Gives TemporaryDirectory a path will more space
available and try it. I think you should have a /var/tmp in your linux.
Try it !
Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia
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