Hello Guys,

I'm facing a strange problem with freshclam and log rotation using logrotate. Let me explain ....

Altough i'm not using pre-compiled RPMs, i took some files from the RPMs. One of these files is the /etc/logrotate.d/freshclam. I did some adjusts on the user/group, so my file looks like:

# Rotate FreshClam daemon log file

/var/log/clamav/freshclam.log {
   create 640 vscan vscan
/bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/clamav/freshclam.pid 2> /dev/null` 2> /dev/null || true

It's working, freshclam.log is getting correctly rotated. The problem is that after log rotation, i cannot call freshclam from console anymore.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# freshclam
ERROR: Problem with internal logger.

Altough freshclam IS working, as I can see activity on the freshclam.log file, i only get the 'problem with internal logger' when calling it from the console. A simple stop/start on the service seems to solve the problem. After stop/start, freshclam keeps running on the background and can be called from the console as well.

I dont know if this can be the reason for the problem .... watching the file descriptors through lsof, i can see the freshclam.log file descriptor:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# lsof -n | grep "freshclam\.log"
freshclam 20602 vscan 0wW REG 8,3 2076 24510465 /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log

   After stop/start, it looks like:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# lsof -n | grep "freshclam\.log" freshclam 20360 vscan 3w REG 8,3 2436 24510465 /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log

The different seems to be on the FD field. Before the stop/start it looks wW, which will give the 'problem with internal logger' error, but will keep freshclam working fine on background. After stop/start, FD field will look 3w, which will keep freshclam working both on background and console.

I have googled and found some users complaining about problems with logging, but the problems were related to permission on file/directories, which is not my case. I have checked/rechecked and things seems fine.

Is this kind of problem known ? Is there any tip/hint on how to avoid/solve it ?

   Thanks for your attentions guys.


        Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
        Leonardo Rodrigues
        Solutti Tecnologia

        Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
        My SPAMTRAP, do not email it


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