On Sat, Mar 25, 2006 at 01:48:36AM -0500, Dale Walsh wrote:
> I ran this command as root (no sudo -u clamav) and added "--exclude- 
> dir=/dev", here's the results
> ----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
> Known viruses: 47146
> Engine version: 0.88
> Scanned directories: 2589
> Scanned files: 35173
> Infected files: 0
> Data scanned: 11820.25 MB
> Time: 2887.203 sec (48 m 7 s)
> it didn't run continuously as you had reported so I suspect that  
> somewhere is a link pointing back to the root so it goes into an  
> endless loop.

The thing doesn't want to run from the periodic scripts as any user besides
clamav. I've been excluding /dev, /automount, /Volumes, /Network, etc. It
still loops. I've hunted down every symlink that points to anything that looks
like it'd cause a loop...Still doing it.

> Then why not just drop OSX and go with straight Darwin???

I'd rather just use FreeBSD.

> Strangely enough, everything your doing on OSXS I'm doing on OSX, I  
> just can't use ServerAdmin which is no big loss and I've fixed the  
> sasl libsql.so module so I can manage users in mysql so no more local  
> account (true virtual users) and thousands of homes wasting disk space.

The decision to use OSXS was made before I worked here. I need to look in to
persuading my boss to let me put regular OSX on the XServe if I can get
OpenDirectory going under OSX.

I'm not all that familiar with OS X. I haven't had to work with it before.

> I'm working on an admin interface (web based) that is entirely  
> standalone to manage things like the FIREWALL, DNS, MAIL, WEB, MySQL,  
> NETWORK and USERS as a possible solution cause I'm getting tired of  
> forking out a grand for each of 34 machines every time I need to  
> purchase a newer OS.
> -- Dale


Josh Tolbert
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||  http://www.puresimplicity.net/~hemi/

Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor
do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger
is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either
a daring adventure, or nothing.
    -- Helen Keller

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