Alex Moore wrote:

[about gmp...]

Did 'make check' pass all tests with -fast?
Apparently it didn't, i must've missed it the first time i tried that. I recompiled gmp with -xO1 and now clamav works fine. I'll try to see if there's a compiler patch available.

Did clamav configure seem ok with gmp?  Does ldd on or
sigtool list
Configure was fine, all the programs compiled and linked without any problems. I didn't check ldd but i would've gotten a message if it was unable to find the library at runtime.

You may want to change your directory organization, especially if you
have other programs that you want to build.  I would use /opt/local as
I intend to compile lots more stuff and so far i put it all in /opt. Why is that a problem? I don't intend to share it nor do i intend to install precompiled packages.

BTW, I rarely use LDFLAGS for the -R option.  It should be LD_OPTIONS
for /usr/ccs/bin/ld; at least for clamav.
To me the -R option is the counterpart to the -L option and i want to make sure that when -L is there -R is there also.

Thanks for your help.


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