The eicar string is in the right format, because it is recognised by clamav when sending it as a normal attachment (this was already stated in my first email). But when sending it as an OLE object inside an excel sheet it is not detected.
Furthermore I have OLE2 scanning enabled in clamav

Can somebody shine a light on this?

From: Matt Fretwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: ClamAV users ML <>
To: ClamAV users ML <>
Subject: Re: [Clamav-users] Scanning of ole objects in excel sheet
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 12:05:28 +0000

On Tue, 14 Mar 2006 09:53:42 +0000
"B Boomerang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have first created an .exe file containing the eicar virus
> string Then I have created an excel sheet and embedded the
> .exe file in it as an  OLE object (the object is linked and
> embedded) If I send this excel file as an attachment in an
> email, clamd does not find  the eicar virus. (if I send the
> .exe file as an attachment in an email,  clamd does find the
> eicar virus)
> Is this a bug in clamd or is it by design that the eicar virus
> is not found  as an OLE object?

 If I remember correctly, the eicar test string has to be in a
very specific format to be recognised as such.



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