On Mon, Mar 13, 2006 at 12:17:38PM -0800, Todd Lyons wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Sun, Mar 12, 2006 at 02:53:21PM +0100, MP wrote:
> >ok, that's fine, so when I need to scan a directory, I'll use clamdscan 
> >in the future.
> Point to note:  the clamd daemon by default changes user when it starts
> from root down to a regular user, usually clamav.  Whatever directory or
> files you need scanned will have to be readable by the user clamav.  If
> it's not, then you have two choices:
> 1) make clamd run as user root instead of regular user clamav (not
> recommended).
> 2) run clamscan when you need to scan files or directories from the
> commandline.

Or use a tool that you can use on the command line that reads the file
(or stdin) and sends it to the clamd daemon, if you have one running,
over a network socket, and reports the basic result.  I have such a
thing, but it's part of a package and isn't separately buildable,
otherwise I'd point to it.  However, it's a fairly easy thing to write,
and I would think there would be others like it out there somewhere.


376% ls -l V
total 808
-rw-------  1 mem  staff    5944 Feb 27 18:47 p1.msg
-rw-------  1 mem  staff  796503 Mar 14 15:05 p2.msg
-rw-------  1 mem  staff     751 Mar 14 15:05 p3.msg

377% find V -type f -exec sh -c 'echo {} `clamdif < {} `' \;
V/p1.msg HTML.Phishing.Pay-38


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