Hi guys, Hi James

<<-- Snip -->>
> Ok, Lets start again.
> (1)  Is the mail being stored on a samba share?  Eg: Thunderbird 
> getting  mail and putting it in mail-boxes that are on the server 
> share.

yes, exactly

Internet-----> desktop + Norton Anti-virus ---> samba share ( Linux +
Clamav + Vscan-daemon)

> (2)  Do you get any improvement if you temporarily turn off the
> samba-vscan?  Just trying to see if this is with samba-vscan or the
> Thunderbird client itself.

no improvement...8(

a) with 
max file size = 0 
scan on open = yes
scan on close = yes
exclude file types =

Thunderbird# clamdscan
Thunderbird: OK

----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Infected files: 0
Time: 116.681 sec (1 m 56 s)

b) with 
max file size = 10485760
scan on open = no
scan on close = yes
exclude file types = text/x-mail

Thunderbird: OK

----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Infected files: 0
Time: 116.737 sec (1 m 56 s)

All tests above took 100% of CPU .

Thunderbird# du -hs

Is this normal???

> (3)  Try lowering the max file size option.  samba-vscan does have a
> performance hit associated with it.

see above ...

> (4)  Try excluding the mail-box files from being scanned.  Thunderbird
> like almost all email clients, won't like the mail-box files
> disappearing on them.  Had this problem many times.... especially with
> outlook.

inserting  exclude file types = text/x-mail  at vscan-samba.conf makes 
clamav runs like a charm.

Is this the real option??? I'm not confident about it......

>      You don't need to scan twice; especially if you already have
> clamav-milter installed and running.

yes just having Norton at desktop and Clamav at Samba gave us piece of
mind that I'm trying to have it again...8))

BTW sometimes clamav capture some virus that Norton let it pass

Thanks in advanced
> Let me know,
> James Kosin
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (MingW32)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
> iD8DBQFD4lzskNLDmnu1kSkRAniWAJ4hAH4tsDH7qFlpDiHhzer6nC990ACeIdyT
> =teFj
> -- 
> Scanned by ClamAV - http://www.clamav.net

Paulo Ricardo Bruck - consultor

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