If somebody knows a better list to discuss this please set a follow up
because this is way off topic for the clamav list
I know there isn't something as a uniform error message for a 5xx error at
smtp time for something like a virus/spam notification. But wouldn''t it be
nice to have something like that.
So mailinglists which does forward spam/virusses will honor this uniform 5xx
error and don't send us the recipents another probe.
For example this is what happens now (read spammer for virus and visa
1) spammer send message to clamav list
2) clamav ezmlm forwards the message to me
3) I reject with a 5xx message
4) clamav ezmlm sends me a probe to see of my address is still ok
5) I receive the probe, so I stay on the list
6) I must delete this probe because it contains no information accept the
reason why I denied the message from 2
This would be better for my heart
1) spammer send message to clamav list
2) clamav ezmlm forwards the message to me
3) I reject with a 5xx message
4) clamav ezmlm recognise the 5xx message and stop processing the message
and doesn't send a probe
I used the clamav list in this example but if all the major mailinglist
managers would honor this 5xx message it could stop a lot of backscatter.
If somebody knows a better list to discuss this please set a follow up
because this is way off topic for the clamav list
With kind regards,
Maurice Lucas