IS there a way to specify that clamscan read out of a file for the exclude lists
I see in the manpage for clamscan there is: --exclude=PATT, --exclude-dir=PATT The reason I am asking is this: I am using an intel based linux server on a gigabit network to access via NFS, the individual mountpoints that make up a Linux server running on a z/Series mainframe. There are several of these linux servers running under the IBM Virtual Machine environment, and the reason I am doing this is that running clamscan/clamdscan natively pegs both CP's being used by linux on the mainframe. Those are cycles that should be shared by all of the linuxes and thus are expensive cycles to burn scanning for viruses. The cycles on the intel server are cheap and I can run the virus scan faster in paralell than I can as a single process traversing the entire file system tree. The exclude function seems best to be because there are certain directories with files owned by root that are 700 for permissions and these return errors to the scan process. I am runnign the scan ala: clamscan -r -i -l /foo/ So in order to have an output log I can then process with rexx or pearl or somesuch, I need to suppress messages like: ERROR: Can't open file /clamscan/vadnais/rootdir/sbin/init ERROR: Can't open file /clamscan/vadnais/rootdir/sbin/blogd Either by supplying these in an exclude list or by supressing the messages themselves. If anyone has any ideas, I would appreciate hearing suggestions. Thanks! -J _______________________________________________