Dennis Peterson wrote:
[ ...raw MIME message from Steffen Kluge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> deleted... ]
So that you would see what I see when you post I left in all your mime content.
This too is inappropriate in a mail list.  If you'd like to trim something,
how about turning this mess off?

This is a mailing list related to computer security software; I would prefer to have release announcements and any patches to code PGP/GnuPG signed.

I would prefer to not see PGP used with every message, myself, but I've been on lists and seen malicious people forging email from regular posters every once in a while, so some people have fallen back to using PGP or S/MIME signing for everything they write for good reason.

[ Just like I verify the MD5, SHA1, or SHA256 checksums of the source tarballs I use to build ClamAV, amavisd, and so forth. ]


PS: Delurking to put in my $0.02, but I plan to dodge the rest of this thread unless something novel appears. (Focus! Stay on target... :-)

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