des in message 'Re: [Clamav-users] XML and large file scan performance' wrote:
> On 12/17/05, GiM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The 7MB file took 1.5s with the other scanner. Looking at disk
> transfer speeds doesn't come close to explaining the PowerPoint scan
> time (66s).

> 750KB Excel file: 0.36s
> 2MB Word doc: 5.0s
> 3MB binary file: 0.75s
> 3MB XML file: 1.28s
> 6MB SO library: 1.51s
> 7MB XML file: 3.60s
> 7.5MB PowerPoint file: 66s

Your problem is quite interesting so I've made few tests...
Ten tests on each file:
17M EXE  : 15.8411 s (  1M/s)
4.2M PPT : 6.55250 s (640k/s)
3.4M XLS : 9.56440 s (360k/s)
2.4M DOC : 2.99640 s (808k/s)

tests were made on 333Mhz Celeron with 128M 
nearly not loaded at all:
load average: 0.00, 0.12, 0.18

> So you are seeing much lower scan times with similar sized files of
> these types? You don't see the big difference between file types? If

I don't know how clamav treats different file types, so I can't tell you
where such differences come from, maybe any of developers will answer

> so, that's great, I can investigate the OS/hardware setup. I did some
> brief tests on 3.2 GHz Xeon (same OS) and saw the same the same
> pattern, but didn't look in detail.

 main(int a[puts("Michał 'GiM' Spadliński")]){}
"Zwyciężyłeś i przeto ulegam. Atoli odtąd umarłeś dla Nieba i dla Nadziei!
 We mnie istniałeś i - spojrzyj w moją śmierć, spojrzyj wskroś tej,
 która jest twoją, postaci - jak doszczętnie zamordowałeś siebie samego!"
                - E. A. Poe - William Wilson


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