Pete 'Wolfy' Hanson wrote:
Running clamscan --detect-broken finds the message, and generates no errors,
but clamav-milter does not find the message when it comes in. clamd.logshows:
Nov 21 14:08:18 paz clamav-milter[26450]: [ID 788897 local7.notice]
jALM6n0R027652: clean message from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
We've been detecting Worm.Sober.U here for a little over 2 hours (with
daily.cvd 1182). If clamscan finds it, but clamav-milter doesn't, maybe
for some reason clamd didn't load the updated database? Try restarting
clamd and/or clamav-mitler (I've never used the milter, so I'm not sure
what's necessary) and see if that does it.
Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications <>