LECOMTE Regis wrote:
> I can't remove it, it's the disclaimer on the exchange server.

You could mitigate the problem somewhat by suggesting to your Exchange admin 
that they add a single line above the disclaimer as follows:
"-- "

That is to say, hyphen, hyphen, space, newline

This is the unofficial signature delimiter.  Many MUAs chop off anything after 
a signature delimiter when replying or forwarding.

You may have noticed whenever you get into a deep email conversation with 
someone else who also has a long disclaimer that your mails start growing very 
long very fast.  If you both use the "-- " trick... and both use MUAs that 
honor it... then you can avoid this problem.

If your Exchange admin is unsympathetic, you could add "-- " as the first line 
of your own auto-signature.

If you use Outlook, there are plugins available to make it respect the "-- " 
trick when replying and forwarding... Outlook QuoteFix, for example

Matthew.van.Eerde (at) hbinc.com               805.964.4554 x902
Hispanic Business Inc./HireDiversity.com       Software Engineer

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