Hi there, On Mon, 3 Oct 2005 Sitaram Pamarthi wrote:
> I am unable to locate the file changelog in my system. 1. The file is "ChangeLog", not "changelog" and not "Changelog". It often comes as a surprise to users of, er, other operating systems that Linux, Unix etc. filesystems are case-sensitive. The first of the three spellings seems to be the international standard, but there are a few variations on it. (As ever. Argh. :) 2. There is a lot of documentation which you should read before asking this kind of question. Some of it is about ClamAV 3. It says at the top of all messages from the ClamAV digest list > > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific > > than "Re: Contents of clamav-users digest..." so it would be a good idea to do that. Then everyone can benefit from the messages when looking in the archives later on. However I've kept your subject line here so as not to break the thread. 4. Please take note of the way that I have trimmed the posts to which I am replying, and try to do something similar. Please do not post long and irrelevant repeat copies of things that have already been seen on the list. If you do that, then as like as not people will ignore you - or perhaps flame you - in future. ...... Finally, please don't treat this as a rebuke. Your message shows many of the characteristics of the messages from users who are new to Open Source in particular and mailing lists in general. I'm replying (in hopefully a kinder way than some others might) so that you don't just get a sparse reply like: "Please read 'How to ask questions the smart way' by Eric S. Raymond." Using Google, I found about 200,000 references to that document on the Web just now. 73, Ged. _______________________________________________ http://lurker.clamav.net/list/clamav-users.html