> but NOT by the local copy of clamav running on my machine...and I would 
> appreciate some useful comments. Since I started to look into clamav it's 
> been a pain in the ass getting some help or finding some proper information 
> on known problems/bugs...digging through a mailing list isn't proper IMO. 
> Especially not for an application, that is already a few years old...

It's not a bug nor a known problem. You didn't install/configure ClamAV 
I'm 95% sure that the answer to your problem is in the FAQ, so it's not 
a problem of lack of documentation either.

BTW we have a Wiki, so anyone who blame us for poor documentation can
show us his good intentions by contributing some good docs.

Best regards

Luca Gibelli (luca at clamav.net) - ClamAV, a GPL virus scanner
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