> What version of ClamAV are you running?
> If you're running 0.84, 0.85, or 0.85.1, then you should have pasted the
> error before those which said "Not accepting inputs at the moment".  Go
> read http://wiki.clamav.net/index.php/FrequentlyAskedQuestions and
> upgrade.
> If you're running 0.86 or 0.86.1 then post again with more details of
> your setup.  I suspect it might just be a problem with the sending
> server being slow, but would need more of a hint to be sure.  I didn't
> sleep well last night, so my crystal ball is clouded.
> Damian Menscher
> --

I am running ClamAV 0.86 / wbmclamav 0.6rc2 
What info do you need about my setup?
I'm running Red Hat with sendmail.

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