> Hi All
> I have two servers both FreeBSD and on both of them clamd just keeps
> shutting down.  The problem has only started recently they have been
> running clamav 0.85 with out problems until two days ago.  I have
> upgraded to 0.86 with out any improvement.  These are mx backups for
> each other and noticed that they failed at the same time.  
> This lead me
> to believe that there is some carefully/carelessly constructed email
> that is causing this?  So I had a look at the mail log and sure enough
> one email repeatedly resulted in the clamd shutting down.
> Eg:
> 2005-07-07 06:33:06 1DqRd7-000ADN-RV H=foobar.com []
> F=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> temporarily rejected after DATA
> 2005-07-07 10:21:11 1DqRd7-000ADN-RV H=foobar.com []
> F=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> temporarily rejected after DATA
> Vs
> Thu Jul  7 06:33:06 2005 -> Segmentation fault :-( Bye..
> Thu Jul  7 10:21:11 2005 -> Segmentation fault :-( Bye..
> Right now if anyone can give me some help with exim on how to 
> get a copy
> of this mail to submit to clamav that would be really great?

At the same time I have tried to track down the admin for the offending
server and they have told me that the email was a complete mess and have
"fixed" it(what ever that means).  It has yet to be seen if the mail
goes through but they seem reluctant to send me a copy of the "messy"

David Peall :: Systems Administrator
e-Schools' Network :: http://www.esn.org.za/ 
Phone +27 (021) 674-9140  

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