Hi all - I am using clamav-milter, spamass-milter, and milter-greylist 1.6.
I am not an m4 expert by any stretch of the imagination. My sendmail.mc file looks like this: dnl INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`greylist',`S=local:/var/milter-greylist/milter- greylist.sock')dnl define(`confMILTER_MACROS_HELO', `{verify}, {cert_subject}')dnl define(`confMILTER_MACROS_ENVFROM', `i, {auth_authen}')dnl INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`spamassassin', `S=local:/var/run/spamass.sock, F=, T=C:15m;S:4m;R:4m;E:10m')dnl define(`confMILTER_MACROS_CONNECT',`b, j, _, {daemon_name}, {if_name}, {if_addr}')dnl INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`clamav-milter', `S=local:/var/run/clamav/clamav- milter.sock, F=T,T=S:4m;R:4m;E:10m') I have simply done what the INSTALL or README docs for each of the milters tells me to do. Now I notice that the new version of milter-greylist tells me to add this to my sendmail.mc file: INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`greylist', `S=local:/var/milter-greylist/milter-greylist.sock') define(`confMILTER_MACROS_CONNECT', `j, {if_addr}') define(`confMILTER_MACROS_HELO', `{verify}, {cert_subject}') define(`confMILTER_MACROS_ENVFROM', `i, {auth_authen}') define(`confMILTER_MACROS_ENVRCPT', `{greylist}') This will put different settings for confMILTER_MACROS_CONNECT and confMILTER_MACROS_HELO into my sendmailmc file. I can't imagine that is a good thing. Can someone who understands milters better than me give me a layman's explanation of what all these conf* entries in sendmail.mc are so I can make a decision about what to do when I run into conflicting instructions like this? Or, if you know of a good FM to R that can explain this in a way that a non-programmer, non-sendmail guru can understand, that would be great as well. Thanks! Thomas _______________________________________________ http://lurker.clamav.net/list/clamav-users.html