Bart Silverstrim wrote:
It was. It was an insult. I think it is understandable given that to
me it was provoked, and not necessarily aimed personally at you but
instead to all on the list that were giving a virtual flick-off. As
an observer the response he got wasn't really well deserved and it
appears that now everyone is being overly defensive instead of
stopping to say, "You know, you're right, I was kind of out of line
and I'm sorry. What can we do to resolve the issue and keep it from
happening again in the future?"
It would be nice to see, but don't hold your breath. There seem to be
allot of ego's that need (or feel they need) a solid rubbing every 10-20
min. Even if they need to Proxy in on someone elses.
But what do I know. I'm just a user of ClamAV on some obscure small
mail server out here on the Internet observing the beginnings of a
flamefest on a mailing list.
The person screwed up. Big deal! I guarantee everybody (yes everybody)
on this list at one time or another did the same thing (ie screwing up
by not paying attention to details or reading directions before
compiling that new script to have it fail miserably etc etc).
I've seen the mention of this list being "elite". While there may be a
few in the member ranks that do indeed qualify I guarantee they're not
involved in this boorish mess.
At one time I belonged to 27 various lists. This number is now down to
2. The reasons vary but for the most part the decision to drop them was
due to content and BS such as this. This list has been a valuable source
of information, and at times humor. But situations like this do make me
wonder if it's useful anymore.
These lists are meant to allow users to communicate freely between each
other, and (hopefully) with the developers paying attention to issues
being brought up.
"WE" can make Clam-AV better, but only by working together, not by
blasting some poor schmuck because he fouled something up, or tarnished
a members sense of how things should be done, or what should be included.