Le samedi 4 Juin 2005 13:11, jcastanet a écrit :
> To summarize :
> I made all my tests from eicar web site :
> http://www.eicar.org/anti_virus_test_file.htm
> Virus is not detected when I try to download this file (via mod_clamav):
> - eicarcom2.zip ( 308 bytes)
> This virus is not detected by mod_clamav because the file "eicarcom2.zip
> contain a zipped file called "eicar_com.zip"

It works for me. It means it is not a clamav nor mod_clamav bug.
The problem is on your side. So please, check you conf, check the binaries, 
read the docs. If it still doesn't work, remove all clamav files 
(binaries+conf) and do a fresh install from sources.



Arnaud Jacques
Consultant Sécurité

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