
I'm using mod_clamav to scan HTTP download, everything work very well.

However ... When a virus is Zipped two time or more, the virus is not
detected in the ziped file.

The virus is detected only if it have been compressed one time.

Mod_clamav use libclamav to detect virus.

When I scan the same file ( compressed many time) directly with the command
clamscan or clamdscan the virus is detected.

how can I do to modify the level to which recursion is done to permit
Libclamav or mod_clamav to detected the virus ?


 I'm using clamav version 0.85.1


thanks in advance



##################### output of clamscan ################


[EMAIL PROTECTED] home]# clamscan --debug eicarcom2.zip

LibClamAV debug: Loading databases from /var/lib/clamav

LibClamAV debug: Loading /var/lib/clamav/daily.cvd

LibClamAV debug: in cli_cvdload()

LibClamAV debug: MD5(.tar.gz) = 9f7bc26942f70730ec6004eb83d40369

LibClamAV debug: Decoded signature: 9f7bc26942f70730ec6004eb83d40369

LibClamAV debug: Digital signature is correct.

LibClamAV debug: in cli_untgz()

LibClamAV debug: Unpacking /tmp/clamav-5fe2066129cb4c17/COPYING

LibClamAV debug: Unpacking /tmp/clamav-5fe2066129cb4c17/daily.db

LibClamAV debug: Unpacking /tmp/clamav-5fe2066129cb4c17/daily.hdb

LibClamAV debug: Unpacking /tmp/clamav-5fe2066129cb4c17/daily.ndb

LibClamAV debug: Unpacking /tmp/clamav-5fe2066129cb4c17/daily.fp

LibClamAV debug: Loading databases from /tmp/clamav-5fe2066129cb4c17

LibClamAV debug: Loading /tmp/clamav-5fe2066129cb4c17/daily.db

LibClamAV debug: Initializing main node

LibClamAV debug: Initializing trie

LibClamAV debug: Initializing BM tables

LibClamAV debug: in cli_bm_init()

LibClamAV debug: BM: Number of indexes = 63744

LibClamAV debug: Loading /tmp/clamav-5fe2066129cb4c17/daily.hdb

LibClamAV debug: Initializing md5 list structure

LibClamAV debug: Loading /tmp/clamav-5fe2066129cb4c17/daily.ndb

LibClamAV debug: Loading /tmp/clamav-5fe2066129cb4c17/daily.fp

LibClamAV debug: Loading /var/lib/clamav/main.cvd

LibClamAV debug: in cli_cvdload()

LibClamAV debug: MD5(.tar.gz) = 97483b1d8189548e820e8a3f4bef787b

LibClamAV debug: Decoded signature: 97483b1d8189548e820e8a3f4bef787b

LibClamAV debug: Digital signature is correct.

LibClamAV debug: in cli_untgz()

LibClamAV debug: Unpacking /tmp/clamav-039ac9495f5c7997/COPYING

LibClamAV debug: Unpacking /tmp/clamav-039ac9495f5c7997/main.db

LibClamAV debug: Unpacking /tmp/clamav-039ac9495f5c7997/main.hdb

LibClamAV debug: Unpacking /tmp/clamav-039ac9495f5c7997/main.ndb

LibClamAV debug: Unpacking /tmp/clamav-039ac9495f5c7997/main.zmd

LibClamAV debug: Unpacking /tmp/clamav-039ac9495f5c7997/main.fp

LibClamAV debug: Loading databases from /tmp/clamav-039ac9495f5c7997

LibClamAV debug: Loading /tmp/clamav-039ac9495f5c7997/main.db

LibClamAV debug: Loading /tmp/clamav-039ac9495f5c7997/main.hdb

LibClamAV debug: Loading /tmp/clamav-039ac9495f5c7997/main.ndb

LibClamAV debug: Loading /tmp/clamav-039ac9495f5c7997/main.zmd

LibClamAV debug: Loading /tmp/clamav-039ac9495f5c7997/main.fp

LibClamAV debug: Recognized ZIP file

LibClamAV debug: in scanzip()

LibClamAV debug: Zip: eicar_com.zip, crc32: 0x31db20d1, encrypted: 0,
compressed: 184, normal: 184, method: 0, ratio: 1 (max: 250)

LibClamAV debug: Recognized ZIP file

LibClamAV debug: in scanzip()

LibClamAV debug: Zip: eicar.com, crc32: 0x6851cf3c, encrypted: 0,
compressed: 68, normal: 68, method: 0, ratio: 1 (max: 250)

LibClamAV debug: Eicar-Test-Signature found in descriptor 7.

LibClamAV debug: Zip: Infected with Eicar-Test-Signature

LibClamAV debug: Zip: Infected with Eicar-Test-Signature

eicarcom2.zip: Eicar-Test-Signature FOUND


----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------

Known viruses: 35057

Engine version: 0.85.1

Scanned directories: 0

Scanned files: 1

Infected files: 1

Data scanned: 0.00 MB

Time: 0.435 sec (0 m 0 s)



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