Hi there, I am subscribed to both the users and development digest lists.
They are spamming me. Here are the last three clamav-users Digest mails in my ClamAv mailbox: 141 May 27 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (17K) clamav-users Digest, Vol 8, Issue 111 142 May 27 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (16K) clamav-users Digest, Vol 8, Issue 112 143 May 27 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (18K) clamav-users Digest, Vol 8, Issue 112 As you can see, there are two volumes which are supposed to be Vol 8 Issue 112 but they are different. If I show you the headers from the last three issues you will see that in fact many of the messages are replicated in all of the last three issues. If someone knows who I should contact about this I'll happily take it off-list, to a different list, or fix it myself if you give me access to the box(es). ...ooOOOoo... Incidentally ClamAv 0.85.1 has been working very well for me on a not particularly busy Linux 2.4 mail server running sendmail 8.13.3 with clamav-milter. I have seen no memory or CPU issues, clamav-milter memory consumption seems to be stable at about 8MB and for example it's used 14 seconds total from two CPUs in the last ten days. I'm afraid can't tell you how much mail that's actually scanned, since there are several other milters in a chain which might reject a mail before sendmail hands it to ClamAv. In fact the earlier milters are responsible for rejecting most incoming mail. :) 73, Ged. ====================================================================== Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 05:05:04 -0400 (EDT) From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: clamav-users@lists.clamav.net To: clamav-users@lists.clamav.net Subject: clamav-users Digest, Vol 8, Issue 111 [snip] Today's Topics: 1. Re: Virus naming conventions? (Ren? Berber) 2. RE: Re: Virus naming conventions? ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 3. Re: clamav hung taking up 100% of CPU (lattera) 4. Re: clamav hung taking up 100% of CPU (Damian Menscher) 5. Re: Re: Virus naming conventions? (Dennis Peterson) 6. Re: Re: Virus naming conventions? ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 7. Re: clamav hung taking up 100% of CPU (lattera) 8. Re: clamav hung taking up 100% of CPU (Damian Menscher) 9. Re: Re: Clamav-milter dies after working ok for some hours (Trog) 10. RE: recurrsive scan problem on os x (Mowat, Darren) 11. Re[2]: [Clamav-users] don't del clmilter.sock (haplopelma lividum) ====================================================================== Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 12:00:07 +0200 (CEST) From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: clamav-users@lists.clamav.net To: clamav-users@lists.clamav.net Subject: clamav-users Digest, Vol 8, Issue 112 [snip] Today's Topics: 1. Re: Virus naming conventions? (Ren? Berber) 2. RE: Re: Virus naming conventions? ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 3. Re: clamav hung taking up 100% of CPU (lattera) 4. Re: clamav hung taking up 100% of CPU (Damian Menscher) 5. Re: Re: Virus naming conventions? (Dennis Peterson) 6. Re: Re: Virus naming conventions? ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 7. Re: clamav hung taking up 100% of CPU (lattera) 8. Re: clamav hung taking up 100% of CPU (Damian Menscher) 9. Re: Re: Clamav-milter dies after working ok for some hours (Trog) 10. RE: recurrsive scan problem on os x (Mowat, Darren) ====================================================================== Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 12:16:42 +0200 (CEST) From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: clamav-users@lists.clamav.net To: clamav-users@lists.clamav.net Subject: clamav-users Digest, Vol 8, Issue 112 [snip] Today's Topics: 1. Re: Virus naming conventions? (Ren? Berber) 2. RE: Re: Virus naming conventions? ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 3. Re: clamav hung taking up 100% of CPU (lattera) 4. Re: clamav hung taking up 100% of CPU (Damian Menscher) 5. Re: Re: Virus naming conventions? (Dennis Peterson) 6. Re: Re: Virus naming conventions? ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 7. Re: clamav hung taking up 100% of CPU (lattera) 8. Re: clamav hung taking up 100% of CPU (Damian Menscher) 9. Re: Re: Clamav-milter dies after working ok for some hours (Trog) 10. RE: recurrsive scan problem on os x (Mowat, Darren) 11. Re: don't del clmilter.sock (Tomasz Kojm) ====================================================================== _______________________________________________ http://lurker.clamav.net/list/clamav-users.html