On Tue, May 17, 2005 at 07:54:03AM -0700, Dennis Peterson said:
> Stephen Gran said:
> > So you want either all possible checks, or no seperable logging?
> Where did I say that? With syslog you touch a file and it starts
> logging.  Simple, effective. It can be the same with clam. No local
> logging until you, the admin, create the file and set the needed
> permissions. We do it all the time.

Of course it's trivial.  As every good admin knows, though, rote tasks
deserve to be automated.  Since this one is basically already automated
(the logg() function will create the file if it does not exist), the
simplest approach would be to change the order of a few events.

> >  That does seem like a rather drastic set of solutions to a trivial
> >  to fix bug.  Moving about 10 lines of code will fix the bug under
> >  discussion, and the rest is the job of the packager/local admin.  I
> >  have to say I have never noticed this bug up until now, because the
> >  install scripts and logrotate scripts I use handle permissions in a
> >  way that allows it to work (pats self on back, and wrenches arm
> >  doing so).
> That level of competence should be the norm - it's not rocket science.

Er, yes, I think you missed the sarcasm there.  It is fairly stragiht

> > 5 minutes looking at the code could have avoided several hundred
> > lines of email, methinks.
> I think the coders are trying too hard to support the lower level
> admins.  That is a thankless job. As thankless as educating them.
> Threads like this one do get some of them thinking, though.

The fact that many people masquerade as admins when they shouldn't is no
reason to shout down a minor bug.  My point is that there are two
options - fix it in the place where it happens, so everyone gets the
benefits, or have everyone do the trivial workarounds.  Which one sounds
more reasonable to you?  If you answer option b, then it sounds like you
spend too much time admin'ing the simple things on your machines.

Take care,
|  Stephen Gran                  | Been Transferred Lately?                |
|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]             |                                         |
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