After yet another day of putting up with all this crap from viruses, there's a part of me that wonders what would happen if someone wrote a virus that would pull a sober.p "infectinfectinfect...sleep...payload" trick where instead of turning the computer into a spambot would instead delete some system files so Windows wouldn't boot again, forcing people to STOP CLICKING ON RANDOM ATTACHMENTS and fixing the problem systems. Isn't that the primary trick being used now to spread spam and viruses? People are clicking and running attachments from other viruses and are clueless about NOT CLICKING RANDOM ATTACHMENTS? Although I already know people abhor the idea and it's definitely not the first time that idea's been entertained in some twisted form of vigilante online justice.
Would the person who implements this do me a favor and make the virus pretend to be a viagra spam? If we format the hard drives of people that buy from spammers, and the media picks up on it, then everyone will be informed of how dangerous spam is. Nobody will click it anymore, and spammer profits will plummet. This has a very real chance of eliminating the spam problem.
Kill two birds with one stone... I like it.
Damian Menscher -- -=#| Physics Grad Student & SysAdmin @ U Illinois Urbana-Champaign |#=- -=#| 488 LLP, 1110 W. Green St, Urbana, IL 61801 Ofc:(217)333-0038 |#=- -=#| 4602 Beckman, VMIL/MS, Imaging Technology Group:(217)244-3074 |#=- -=#| <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Fax:(217)333-9819 |#=- -=#| The above opinions are not necessarily those of my employers. |#=- _______________________________________________