What did the old "-D" switch used to do? In upgrading my Mac OS X 10.4
Server installation, I noticed it runs freshclam thusly:

freshclam -d -D -p freshclam.pid -c 24

If I try to run the 0.85 version that way, it errors out saying:

/usr/local/bin/freshclam: invalid option -- D
ERROR: Unknown option passed.

Odd thing is, if I remove the "-D" option, launchd (the Mac OS X
replacement for rc scripts, et al) errors out on launch, adding this to
the system.log:

May 12 11:52:06 fungo launchd: org.clamav.freshclam: respawning too
quickly! throttling
May 12 11:52:06 fungo launchd: org.clamav.freshclam: 9 more failures
without living at least 60 seconds will cause job removal
May 12 11:52:06 fungo launchd: org.clamav.freshclam: will restart in 10

Strangely, after this there are 10 instances of freshclam running, despite
launchd thinking they've died. The only thing I can see that's different
is the -D switch, which doesn't seem to be documented anywhere.

Any ideas?


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