Thanks Matt!

What I wont to do is have a cron job that does a scan every night and email
me if a virus is found. What I was going to do is have clamscan run every
night and use the VirusEvent to email me when a virus is found.

Is there away I can use clamd instead?


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matt Fretwell
Sent: 08 May 2005 11:25
To: ClamAV users ML
Subject: Re: [Clamav-users] ClamAV VirusEvent not working...

Timothy Omer wrote:

> But, when I do a manual scan with clamscan it finds the virus but I do
> not get emailed. 
> The VirusEvent should be executed whenever a virus is found, but
> obviously it is not. Has anyone got any ideas when this is?

 Clamscan does not use clamd.conf. Clamd and clamdscan use clamd.conf.



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